
Come on in! Beijing is a cool but crazy place. Read my blog for a flavour of what life is like here. Please say hi and leave a comment and I'll get back to you. Take your time, look around and enjoy! Thanks for stopping by :)

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Taking a nap

Today was the day I took my first ever nap at work. With a full belly after lunch, sat in my comfy chair in the warm office, I fell asleep. I was serenaded by the quiet chatter of my Chinese colleagues and the regular dripping coming from the leaking ceiling (don't ask!).

When I first began working here, I remember being slightly shocked by the number of heads slumped on desks around 3pm. I talked to a student about it and I explained that its not really done in the UK and it would be both amusing and a little shocking.

James (the student) is planning on moving to England soon and so has a keen interest in cultural matters. He asked what should he do if he feels sleepy at work, and looked pretty alarmed as I broke the news to him. In disbelief, he asked "But what if you're really tired?" 

"Just carry on!" I replied, in true British spririt. As the words came out, I suddenly realised who's got it right. Is it really a good idea to soldier on regardless, producing low quality work because you're so tired that you can't concentrate properly? Why not take a quick power nap, feel refreshed and then resume with renewed effort? What a cracking idea!

And so it was in this spirit that I decided to join the club today. When I awoke ten minutes later, feeling ready to tackle that lesson plan, no-one even commented. How wonderful!

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